A glimpse into our crazy life

Alaina’s 2nd month December 1, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — emilyandfrank @ 9:15 pm

Alaina’s still growing a ton, but apparently it’s more in belly size than length these days. At her checkup yesterday, she weighed 13 lbs 8 oz (100th percentile!!) and was 23.25 inches long (down to 85th percentile- those short genes are finally starting to kick in). She survived getting her next round of immunizations and we’re now giving her medicine for her reflux since it was affecting her sleep.


Her second month included:

-Learning how to smile back at us.

-Sleeping through the night most nights!

-Her first soccer and basketball games.

-Celebrating Thanksgiving with the Caseys.

-A trip to the aquarium.

-Meeting her cousins Elizabeth and Connor and loving all the attention from them.