A glimpse into our crazy life

From the mouths of babes… November 14, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — emilyandfrank @ 1:28 pm

One of the benefits of daycare is that Alaina is learning a ton! I never would have thought to already teach her the days of the week or the months of the year. Alaina is like a little sponge and quickly picks up on the many things she overhears other people say, whether they intended for her to mimic them or not. Here are a few things she’s taken to saying lately, thanks to daycare.

“Oh my goodness!”


“Stop it right now. Not nice.”

“A stamp?” (while pretending to stamp our hands, like they do at daycare to reward good behavior)

“Look at the picture” (while holding up a book she’s reading to us, like a teacher would)

“That’s silly”

“You’re crazy”



And your little dog, too November 11, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — emilyandfrank @ 9:00 pm

When we first told Alaina she was going to dress up as Dorothy for Halloween, she thought we meant Elmo’s pet goldfish. After educating her about the other famous Dorothy with some help from YouTube, she was ready to take Toto out on the town. Our weather on the 31st was cold and drizzly so she only went trick-or-treating to our block and some of the next. But she loved handing out candy and refused to go instead and warm up until every piece had been given away.

(Also check out the awesome Mickey Mouse pumpkin that Frank made! My KU pumpkin wasn’t faring so well by the time Halloween rolled around.)


Apples and Pumpkins and Slides- Oh My! November 9, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — emilyandfrank @ 9:00 pm

Last month, we traveled down to the Lexington area to go to an apple orchard with Mallory, Ian, and Angie. This place was amazing. There were huge slides, duck races, a hay bale maze, petting zoo, hayrack rides, pumpkin patch, cafe, gift shop, and oh yeah- the orchard. While the apple crop wasn’t great this year, we had a fantastic time and can’t wait to go back next year.

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